Top 4 Ways to Decor on a Budget

  Decor can bring excitement and creativity, but it can also drain your pocket. While shopping for decor items, a great rule of thumb is to remain practical when choosing items. Consider how the decor item can be functional in your space and ask if you genuinely need the item. This strategy is more straightforward [...]

Top 4 Ways to Decor on a Budget2023-03-22T18:09:53+00:00

Top 3 Ways on Picking a Contractor

  Finding a contractor can take time and effort, especially if you're a first-time homeowner used to apartment living. All you have to do is call maintenance, no hassle. You want your home to be perfect, but the reality is you might run into repair issues. The thought of going through trial and error with [...]

Top 3 Ways on Picking a Contractor2023-03-22T16:55:12+00:00

Beginner Tools Every Home Owner Needs

Owning your own home means you’re about to venture into a world of projects. Big or small, you’re going to need some tools in order to complete tasks around your house. Here are a few entry level tools every homeowner should have.   Hammer It should come as no surprise to you that you’re going [...]

Beginner Tools Every Home Owner Needs2023-03-01T16:00:15+00:00

Is It Time to Invest in Solar Panels?

Solar energy is nothing new, but the speed at which it is being marketed for personal homes is increasing. The question is if it is worth it for you to jump in and invest. There are many things that you should consider. While there are always environmental reasons to do it, you need to make [...]

Is It Time to Invest in Solar Panels?2022-01-03T19:48:48+00:00

Must Have Home Items you Need for Winter

The winter season comes with its own unique challenges. Each one presents its own unique needs. Here are some must have home items you should consider purchasing for winter. Snow Blower/ Shovel If you have a lot of snowy walkways that need clearing, it’s worth investing in a snow blower. This will make snow maintenance [...]

Must Have Home Items you Need for Winter2023-02-24T19:49:37+00:00

Prepare for these Additional Costs in Homeownership

Buying a home is a wonderful milestone in a person’s life. However, it’s no secret that it costs quite a bit of money to complete the process. Make sure you’re prepared for additional costs in terms of homeownership by factoring them in to your savings amount and the purchase price of your home. New Roof  [...]

Prepare for these Additional Costs in Homeownership2023-02-24T19:25:44+00:00
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