
Having a well-organized space for your clothes and accessories can make or break your getting ready experience.  If there’s a place for everything and everything in its place, picking outfits and getting dressed for the day will be an enjoyable ritual rather than a dreaded stressful event.  While we can’t all have a closet that rivals Mariah Carey’s, making a few small changes will add up to big benefits for you and your space.

Purge it Out

First things first, to have a well-organized space you need to get rid of the clutter.  Do a heavy analysis of your entire closet.  If it’s too overwhelming to think about, start with one section at a time and make it a month-long project.  If you are someone who is hesitant to get rid of things, do your purge and place those items that you are on the fence about in a bag or bin in storage for later.  Revisit this container in 6 months and chances are, you will have probably forgotten about them.  This takes the pressure off of feeling regretful later.

The Right Tools


In order to make over your closet, you need the right tools.  Space saving hangers can make or break an experience.  Huggable Hangers are popular for a reason.  Invest in the same color hangers to make everything look cohesive.  Nothing screams disorganization like plastic hangers mixed in with the free wire ones you get from the dry cleaners.  Figure out your shoe organization as well.  There are plenty of options for shoe storage that fit every closet and every budget.  Modular builds let you customize the shoe rack to the space, so you can make use of every square inch.

Keep it Clean

After a long day at work, most people just want to rip off their clothes and don their comfy pants.  The discarded professional ware ends up thrown on the floor and a pile amasses.  Don’t let the piles and strewn clothes take over your space.  Always hang up your clothes.  You’ll be amazed how clean and organized a space looks if it’s kept tidy.  No matter how tired or done with the day you are, take the extra couple of seconds to hang up or put clothes in a hamper.

Accessory Storage


Accessories are one area that can get out of hand fast.  Whether you use a classic jewelry box, or display hanger, keep your baubles organized and neat.  You can use wall space to hang your bags and purses on display so it’s like a gallery to pick out the perfect match to your outfit.  Utilize all the space in your clothes, think about growing upwards towards the ceiling as well for extra racks or storage.  Sunglasses and smalls can have their own bins or displays for easy access so you never lose another pair.

The budget closet of your dreams is easy to have if you keep your things neat and organized.  With a few of these tricks, you’ll have a beautiful closet on a dime.