With society being more environmentally conscious, solar panels are being looked at as an alternative way to produce energy. Further, with inflation out of control, everyone is looking for ways to cut down expenses these days. For some, using the sun and their solar panels to provide energy for their home thus lowering their energy bill is just the breathing room their budget needed. Putting solar panels on your house is a great tool for some; however, does not make sense for everyone as it does not come without some challenges. Let’s dive into the Pros and Cons.

home solar panels


All over the country, energy rates and in turn energy bills are raising. Like stated above, one of the largest positives for adding solar panels to your home is the ability to save money on your electricity bill or even in some cases completely eliminating your electricity bill or earning credits toward your electric bill. Many cities and states are also helping offset the cost for families to install solar panels, as they also want relief to their power grid. Much of the costs of solar panels are also eligible as a tax right off, if you are a high earner this may be perfect to lower your tax bill this year.

By installing solar panels on your home, you are significantly lowering your carbon footprint, and thus assisting in helping the environment. Solar panels do not just have the ability to assist their purchaser either. Adding solar to your house creates the ability to boost green energy on their local grid, and helps support the advance of clean energy technology. It also provides a great opportunity to support a town’s local economy as most solar companies’, even large regional dealers, use many local employees on their team.


Home solar panels are not a one size, as it comes with certain challenges and may not make sense for everyone. Although there are a lot of different ways that solar panels can save their owner money, it can be difficult to forecast an accurate net savings as there are many variables that are likely to go over decades. Even though there may be a lot of incentives, in most cases the initial investment may be pretty steep to get the panels installed. While it’s obvious that putting solar panels on your roof is a long term decision, even the installation can be a long term decision as installation is not immediate and will likely need multiple appointments.

Solar panels are not compatible with all roof types, thus not everyone is even eligible for solar. The amount of energy the panels will create will depend on the direction the roof is facing on the immediate environment surrounding the house, thus not everyone’s homes will produce enough to offset costs.


Installing solar panels may be the perfect fit for someone who is wanting to save money or help save the planet; however, anyone who is interested should do their research and make sure it makes sense for their unique circumstances.