wall decor

Whether you want to sell your property or just make it nicer to live in, you do not need to do as much as you think. Many things date a house, and there are simple things you can do you make it modern. It also does not have to cost a lot or even require hiring anyone. You can easily do the work and only cost you the materials you need to accomplish it. Don’t gut your home and hire a contractor when a short trip to the hardware store will get the job done.

Switch Covers

One thing that has changed over the years is the look of switches and their covers. When you walk into a home, you can easily date the house by looking no further than the first light switch. There are more options to choose from than you would think. People are getting more creative with these simple features and letting them stand out. Pick out a new style and get yourself a screwdriver. Changing these out is easy enough. The only tricky part is that you will be surprised by home many switches and outlets you have. After changing them all, you can appreciate the value that they bring to your home.

Paint Cabinets

Kitchen cabinets

Buying and having new kitchen cabinets put in will cost you big. Change the look with some time and a bucket of paint. Painting cabinets has taken the DIY community by storm. A simple google search, and you can easily pull off one of the best upgrades, a fresh kitchen. Do your research on this one before getting started. This is a larger project to take on, may take you more than a weekend to pull off. Once you are finished, your bank account with thank you, and you will love how it gives your old cabinets new life. Get the most out of your kitchen and make it a space you are proud of and ready to show off.


Do the weeds tend to get away from you? You are not alone. An easy fix to give your house a little more curb appeal is to do a little weeding. Spend a Saturday morning pulling weeds and raking up any leaves and trash that has found its way to your yard. Next, freshen up the decorative rock and add some new flowers. Any effort will have a noticeable effect. In addition, the less clutter on the front porch, the more inviting your house will become.


Woman standing by windows

Cleans those windows and wash those walls. The inside of the house is not the only part that needs a good scrub. Spray off the layer of dust on your home and let that paint shine its true colors. Windows look better from both sides when they are streak and fingerprint or nose print free. A little elbow grease and your home will be as good as new.

Spend a little time, and you can raise your home’s appeal.